Explore different vehicles and see them hopping right in front of you
Select between Table Top for indoor launches and Real Scale mode when you are enjoying a walk in the park
Mimic the colors of your favorite planet like you were on Mars, the Moon or Titan
Best tracking quality and stability with Apple’s ARKit tracking on all iOS 11 device
Record your screen or capture a photo and share your launch with #HoppAR hashtag
Smoke, Lens Flares, Ambient light estimation an much more for the best Augmented Reality result
Rain, Thunderstorms, Fog, Hail and Snow to cite a few of them
Available on a selected number of Android devices: check supported devices here
I am not aiming at selling a product here, but just launching a stone into the pool and see what happens…and possibly ignite the passion for Space which is in you! It is rather a gift to all fans of space exploration such as myself as well as a tribute to the recent innovation in this field.
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